Saturday, July 25, 2015

Anxiously awaiting sweet potatoes

I planted 18 sweet potato slips "Beauregard" in April. I had to net them after the deer ate the tender young leaves to the ground. Amazingly, most of the plants came back! The bed is full of running vines now. This is my first year growing them, so I am not entirely sure how to know when they are ready to dig. I think waiting until the vines die back may be a good plan, but I wanted to check and see. Are there any sweet potatoes in there? I gently probed around a bit around one of the plants that is beginning to yellow. I did find a nice tuber growing! I carefully covered it back up and watered it. They aren't quite ready yet.


  1. I've never tried growing sweet potatoes. I don't think they would like our climate.

  2. I was delighted to learn that sweet potatoes like a really hot climate. Before trying to grown them this season I had always thought they grew like Irish potatoes.
