I haven't been posting much lately because I haven't felt like anything noteworthy has been going on in my garden. I don't really give my garden very much credit though. I'm not harvesting a variety of veggies right now, but I do harvest something almost daily, even if it is only a few green beans.
I've got Roma tomato plants starting to set fruit. I have never tried growing this variety before, but I am hopeful for a nice harvest. *fingers crossed*
I have three Beefsteak tomato plants. One is significantly larger than the others though they were planted at the same time. The large one is flowering, but no sign of fruit yet.
Overall the tomato plants look healthy with no sign of disease and no insects on them.
My cucumber vines from my second planting are looking kind of ratty. They are starting to vine out a bit and are flowering, but several of the leaves in the center have insect damage. I will be grateful for one decent cucumber. Just one...is that too much to ask? *sigh*
My first planting of yard-long beans is pretty much done, I think. It got toppled over in a severe thunderstorm we had recently with 90 mile an hour wind gusts. No, the 90 was not a typo. It was crazy!
My second tepee of yard-long beans is producing more than my first planting did, but it too got knocked around by the wind.
There are three cherry tomato plants that are beginning to flower, but no sign of fruit yet.
I have three tiny bok choy growing. I really can't believe they even sprouted in this heat.
My sugar pumpkin plant is also a bit worse for the wear. It has some insect damage like the cucumber plants. I don't know what is getting them though. A week before this picture was taken they were all lush and healthy looking.
I spotted a flower in the sweet potato bed. I didn't know they put off pretty little purple flowers. They remind me of morning glories. I believe sweet potatoes are related to them if my memory serves.
The patch from the weird rust fungus on my strawberries is starting to grow in with new plants. I haven't seen any more of the rust, but the plants are looking stressed. I'm not sure if it is from the heat, or if this is normal for them.
I have one tiny cabbage growing. I planted a savoy type and a traditional head type and I don't know which one this is yet. I suspect the head type.
I also planted two types of broccoli. This is the only plant growing so far. I planted brassica seeds in the beginning of August, and plan to plant some more in the beginning of September, and again in the beginning of October. I'm trying to see which set does the best for my area. This will be my first fall garden, so lots of learning to do this year!
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