Monday, August 17, 2015

Harvest Monday: August 17, 2015

I'm harvesting bush beans and yard-long beans this week. The bush beans are still trickling in, though some of the bushes are starting to die back. The second planting of yard-long beans are the ones that produced these lengthy beauties. This is my first time growing them, so I'm not entirely sure if the first planting will continue to produce, or if they are about done for the season. We had some last night for dinner and they were sweet and delicious.

The cubanelle plant is as productive as it has been all season. I also got one small bell pepper too.

The sugar pumpkin plants are doing nicely. I'm nervous about them contracting a virus like the last ones did, but so far, so good. I really, really would like some little pumpkins to cook with.

I have a little, tiny row of two different kinds of radishes that are growing nicely. With the heat that we have down here in Georgia I'm not sure how they will taste this time of year, hence the small planting. 
If you'd like to share your harvest this week and see what others are harvesting, visit Daphne's Dandelions.


  1. Nice harvest. The yard long beans are designed for your climate so they should do well. I think if you keep them picked they should continue to produce. On the radishes, you should try one to see if they are OK. Actually, you should start planting more seeds soon for a fall crop that will grow when the weather will be cooler.

    1. I have been researching to try to find the best time to plant different veg for Fall, and I planted the radishes way too soon. Thanks for the helpful information. I appreciate it! :)

  2. I used to try to grow yard long beans, but up here in the north they don't do as well. They do produce, but the regular beans do so much better.

    1. I am thinking that the other varieties of beans usually produce more too. Mine have not been very productive this year, but they usually are. Do you find bush beans or pole beans to be more productive?

  3. Oh! Thanks for the reminder! It's time to sow some more radish seeds!

    Congrats on your bean harvest! They're my favorite :-)

  4. When I first grew beans several years ago, one of the varieties stopped producing during a heat wave and then started up again once the temperatures cooled down. I've never grown yard long beans, but perhaps they will do the same thing.

    1. That would be awesome! Thanks for the information. :)

  5. My bush beans are slowing, too, even though I'm much farther north than you are. I put in a second batch of radishes in a container, and they're coming up nicely.
